Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's performance appraisal time

Those of you with corporate jobs have probably gone through formal performance evaluations.  Some years I like them, some years I hate them, mostly in between.  Since I manage folks, this is an extra busy time for me because I have to write and conduct theirs.  We have a pretty large form, I think it ends up being 10 pages of content for each person, split between their comments and mine.  To make it worse, we use a web app to get everything done, and the interface is pretty horrible, so it takes a lot of time.  I keep thinking that the next year I do reviews, it won't take me that long.  I've been doing them for a number of years, and so I should be able to pretty well blast through them.

Then I start doing them, and I find that it takes me just as long to write them every year.  I feel like I really owe it to the people I'm reviewing to invest the energy to write a good review.  For some of them, it's a wasted effort as they don't give a shit about it or the process.  For some others, I can see that they truly appreciate the time I've taken.  But for everyone, even if I think ahead of time I'll just plow through, when the rubber meets the road, I feel too guilty if I don't give it my all.

So, for the last week or so, I've been burning the midnight oil trying to get things written away from the office, where I just have too many distractions.  Then I'm pounding a couple extra cups of coffee in the morning so I have some energy to actually walk through the review with them.  Fun times.  Well, I've got two more to go this week and one more to do in the next couple weeks, then I'm done for the year, and I can get back to other stuff with my spare time, like playing some poker.

But I was wondering how applicable the performance appraisal concept is to poker.  Most of us do a fair amount of self evaluation, which is a critical piece.  But none of us have a boss who can give us the perspective from an evaluator standpoint.  Coaches can come close, I suppose, but I don't think it's as consistent or as thorough.  I wonder if the coaching sites like Deuces Cracked or Leggo Poker have thought about implementing a consistent review process/form for their coaches to use with their students.  I think it would be pretty cool.


Bazclef said...

Yea I like the idea of this. Particularly using HEM. There are already some services available, I know there are HS/MSNL players offering services for around $1k that do an in depth look at your HEM after you've logged about 100k hands. You just send them the information and they analyse and find leaks in your game.

Joe Tall said...

At DeucesCracked we are constantly looking how to provide a better product for our users. This goes beyond user feedback (which we encourage and love, as you know), but also goes into constantly improving how we do everything to deliver the product. We have of self-reviewing areas set up that push us to deliver the highest quality videos on the market.

I hope this shows to our users. We work really hard and carry a lot of pride with what we do.

Gregory Lynn said...

I swear to god if my coach sends me ten pages of buzz words I'm going to hunt you down and kill you.

That said, a real analysis would probably be very good, very time consuming and very expensive.

Mr Fickle said...

Firstly, I admire the effort you are putting in for others benefit and hope your team, and your exployers, appreciated it. From personal experience that doesn't happen very often and am glad I don't have to do that sort of thing anymore!

Second, I like the idea of using a similar approach for a poker appraisal but am not sure how it would work in practice. I try to do this for myself and keep a record of some key stats each month but thats about it.

Malfaire said...

speaking of taking time -- i only realized that you commented on one of my threads recently. i appreciate it!