Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Missed just about everything in August

As far as poker goes in August, in all ways except two, it was a bust.  I hardly played, I watched one video the whole month, barely kept up on blogs, read zero forum posts....you get the idea.  I had to choose between a lot of priorities, and this month, poker took a back seat.  For the first time in quite a while, I have something where a lot of things are coming together at work:  interesting, challenging, executive pet project --> get what I need.  Also, the kids started school last week, so for a lot of August we were cramming in the last summer vacation activities we'd promised the kids.

So, what were the couple things that went well?  I believe that they are closely related.  I didn't force my play for the most part, and my results were quite good.  In other months, I'd stubbornly log hours even when I was too tired, distracted, unfocused, etc.  And I'd play too long as well, believing that my game is good enough to at least break even and hopefully learn something.  The problem is, if you're too tired to play well, you're also too tired to learn much from playing, except how to get frustrated maybe!  So, this month, when this big project came up, I committed to myself not to play if I couldn't play well, and the results certainly were better.  Of course, I also probably ran better.  I certainly seemed to cooler guys, and I did run into some really bad stackoffs (bad for them, good for me).

This month, things on the work front will calm down a bit, but not all the way.  I also have one big golf tournament to play and soccer season starts Saturday.  At the end of the month, we're taking a vacation, where the only internet access I'm likely to have is through my phone.  So, it will likely be another low-volume month again.  And life will be full of good/cool/fun stuff, so that part will kick ass.  Hopefully, I'll maintain my discipline to only play when I can play pretty close to my best.  The hardest part is that I miss playing, especially when things are going well.

I was going to post some graphs and stats, but I've got to go.  Later guys.

1 comment:

RakebackFAQ said...

Sounds like a good month to me maybe taking time off will let all the work youve done over the past few months sink in. And no need for internet on hols just skimpy cloths for the wife. :)

All the best and enjoy your hols.