Monday, September 22, 2008

If you believe in freedom, read this...if you don't believe in freedom please ignore

If you're from the U.S., please fill this out.

This is mainly for poker players, but unless you're fundamentally opposed to Americans' ability to play poker online, there's no reason not to fill this out.  Also, the way that poker players were limited in how easy they could play poker online was a pretty underhanded political trick and I believe exemplifies why there is so much cynicism towards politicians and the political process.  I assume anyone reading this already knows all they care to about UIGEA, so I won't go into any more.

I'm amazed how much the party of "less" government in America tries to dictate what I can and cannot do.  I think both parties have some serious issues, though.

Perhaps I'll write a little something on religion for my next post :).


1 comment:

DWarrior said...

lol governments