Friday, August 08, 2008

Best Laid Plans

Had high hopes for the last couple weeks for poker...not necessarily for playing, but for getting back to some of the things I've been neglecting, like reviewing all sessions instead of every 4th one or so, watching videos, posting here in general, and specifically getting back to posting big hands.

Well, the big project at work got bigger, the visibility to the senior execs got higher, and the importance of it to the company roadmap got bumped up.  So, I've been scrambling to prepare not just one, but several plans for how to git 'er done, each with plusses and minuses, risks, contingencies, etc.  I like that stuff, but it's hard and time consuming.  So guess what?  Everything else took a back seat.

Add to that, soccer started this week.  The other coach and I met a couple times to come up with practice plans, notes for the girls and their parents, etc.   And then we had a team meeting Wednesday and practice Thursday.  We're practicing a couple times a week and soon games start on a 3rd day, so that will add to the general busy-ness.  All good, but who knows what it will mean to poker.  Plus, I'm trying to stay disciplined about not going to sleep too late and getting up early.  Late nights are unfortunately my main window of uninterrupted play.

All that said, I think once the start-up mode for the work project gets past (needs a couple more weeks) and the new home/family routine gets going, I'll be able to start scheduling/working more poker time.  It's not bad that I'm taking a forced mini-break, now.  Results have continued to bounce all around which has been frustrating, but I also haven't felt particularly sharp at the tables.  Of course, those two things are related.

I don't think that my play has been terrible, it's just that I'm not on top of things at the tables like I want, so the danger of bad play is increased.  Upon reviews, I believe that I'm making the right decisions, in other words.  But, they're not coming easily, so I don't have as much room for error.  Kind of like in golf, how you can be shooting even par by missing birdie putts and tapping in, or you can be shooting par by scrambling and making 6-footers.  You're much more likely to slip into bogey-mode in the second scenario.

Also, I have noticed that I'm losing a lot more big hands than I'm winning.  A small percentage are retarded on my part.  I run some of the others by my coach.  But most I think are pretty standard, or at least they're played fine.  When I do get back into study mode, I'm going to start posting all big hands again here.  Might not get a lot of comments or anything, but writing them out will force a little deeper thought, and there's always the chance that I'm just blind to my mistakes.  Plus, for any hand that I do screw up, posting it will be a good punishment.

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