Saturday, November 10, 2007

100 NL Update

Had a chance to play a little more than usual this week, including a few hours last night. Jennifer played in her monthly BUNCO game, and I stayed home with the kids. I don't know much about BUNCO -- she tried to explain it, but it seemed like it was a random way to pass $10 back and forth and really just serve as a structure to gossip and drink fuzzy navels or whatever. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Earlier in the week, Noel sweated me for a bit, which I appreciated a ton. I'm still feeling my way out on this level, but he's been there, done that, and where I am not making confident decisions, things are pretty easy for him. I played pretty well, and I think that's actually due to a good benefit of sweats. When you've got someone watching you play, you have more than usual incentive to maintain discipline and make solid decisions (not to mention you can bounce an idea off them before you act on it). I noticed and learned a few things.

I don't know how much of it was luck of the draw and how much of it was Noel's guidance, but I found myself in very few really tough spots in medium and large pots. In about 600 hands he watched, I had four that were greater than 80 BB in my favor, and my biggest loss was 41 BB. For the session, including a little before and after he sweated me, I was up $295 in 771 hands, so obviously things were going my way.

I booked another small win a couple days later. So, I was feeling pretty good for Friday night, but things for the most part didn't go my action on big hands, but plenty of playing back at me with marginal hands, and I made some pretty dubious decisions.

Anyway, for the month so far, I'm still up, but my winrate has dwindled. The better news is that I feel pretty comfortable at 100NL. Here's what I've got so far (the top is 100NL, I couldn't fit everything into the screen shot):

I'll look through the last week in PT and hopefully find some interesting hands.


Bazclef said...

lol, I liked your comment on Jennifer's home game.

Fantastic start at $100NL, sounds like you're doing great! Your right about sweating too, it definately makes you concentrate more on decisions... you can't autopilot anything when you need to talk it through with someone.

RakebackFAQ said...

Sounds like things are going well your beating this limit for a solid 6bb so i wouldnt worry to much about it. I would try and keep up with them sweating sessions they help loads also i think this video idea that Peter came up with will be good too. Anyway just keep doing what your doing it seems to be working well.
All the best

AppleSeed2082 said...

Great results so far at $100 nl he sh.

keep it up.