Friday, August 07, 2009

Still low volume

Work and life continue to get in the way, and my volume has been low, even for my standards.  I am lucky to have been doing well, as I have been doing the bare minimum of studying/thinking about the game.  That said, I do feel like I'm in a decently solid mindset when I do play and study, so the hard work over the months leading up to this plateau have been helpful.  I should be able to at least start cranking up the study volume again soon.

Wife and kids went to see my nephew compete in a livestock show at the county fair, plus go to the fair, plus hang out with her brother and his family, plus my in-laws.  So, I thought I would play a couple sessions after work.  Bailed on the 2nd session, though because the first one was a combination of lots of coolers and several poor hands by me, including an ultra-spewy multi-street bluff followed up by a pretty bad river call.  The latter wasn't for a huge amount, but felt like it was a bad sign to continue.  I was running bad, plus fairly close to each other, I made a too-aggressive, and a too-passive play, so there was no reason to think I was going to be sharp in the second session, even though I was not that tired or anything.  I won't even say it was a good quit, since to me it was pretty obvious.

So, instead, I spent the rest of the night clearing some old shows from the DVR and researching some replacement IEMs for my iPhone.  Man, what an exciting night!  Hope all is going well with everyone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'd call it a good quit Marc. Sure, the signs were obvious, but not everyone has the discipline to heed those warnings signs as you did. So I say: Nice quit! :)