Friday, February 27, 2009


Been a whirlwind at work the last couple weeks between wrapping up a big project and a meeting this week where I got to demo our product to a couple thousand people.  It all went well :).  Plus I've been trying to get things in order before heading up to Lake Tahoe with my dad to do some skiing.  He lives across the country, so we don't get a chance to see each other too often...looking forward to some good skiing and getting to catch up.  I don't know how much time I'll spend online over the next week or so, though.  If the weather is good for skiing, probably not too much.  I do at least have some videos loaded up on my iPhone.  See you in a bit.


Anonymous said...

have a good one.

RakebackFAQ said...

Yeah man enjoy. My brother lives in Finland (snow for 5 months) went there 1 xmas an sking is tough im one of them risk adverce people if it dont feel right stay away hights etc! Would like to be able to do it looks like fun have a good one as goose says!