Sunday, October 05, 2008

Back from vacation

Been on a family vacation for about a week.  I peeked at my work email...245 unread...I do get a fair amount of quickly-deleted FYIs and also get copied on a lot of bug progress reports that I don't need to act on, so I hope to get caught back up on the email backlog quickly.  More time-consuming will be a couple big projects that were getting to critical points before I left.  It's that sort of stuff that pushes vacations into the distant past pretty quickly :(.

Nothing poker related until this morning when I tried to catch up on some blogs.  No hands, no videos, no forums, no even thinking about poker, except when we drove past Commerce :).  I hope that will give me a nice refreshed outlook when I finally do fire up the poker client...September was dismal, by far my worst month $$ wise.  My play didn't feel confident, but I think it was the results influencing my feelings more than playing significantly worse.  I was able to review a lot of hands before I left, and the number of known bad plays and questionable plays was pretty consistent with historical rates.

I did look back to the beginning of the year, and my results are pretty depressing, to be honest.  Over the last 100k hands, I'm a paltry .66 BB/100 winner, and a decent loser (like 4 BB/100) at 200NL, and an overall $$ loser over that time (rakeback and bonii make up for that so that I am barely positive).  I know there are a lot of spots I could do better, but still, I think of myself as a better than breakeven player.  Still, I'm ready to play again after some time off, so enjoying a hobby counts for something, I guess.

I'm not sure what I could realistically be doing differently in terms of learning, preparation, etc.  I talked about this for a bit with Jared, and he believes that what I'm doing...getting in the hands when I can and thoroughly reviewing my play as the top priority...then taking in videos and strategy forums as lower priority is the way to go.  I tend to agree, although I am going to drop some review in favor of videos and forums.  In other words, instead of all review and no videos, it will be a decent amount of review and a few videos.

1 comment:

RakebackFAQ said...

Good to see you back hope you had a good hols and run good one time!! when you play again!