Friday, May 02, 2008

Ran like a god at 5/10

Well, OK, it was 5 cent / 10 cent, but it was still nice to run awesome for a change :).  I was fooling around with some HUD layout stuff on Stars where you have to be dealt in for the HUD to show, so I fired up a couple .05/.10 tables.  Haven't re-imported stuff back into my new PT3 database, but I think it was something like 63 BB/100! 

Life at 100NL was not so good, unfortunately, including a 90BB stack-off in a pot unraised preflop.  My read was right (I was up against a big draw), and it was nice pretty much knowing what my opponent had.  A bit later, same table (which was a great table), I steal with AKs, very aggro BB 3-bets, and I 4-bet.   Flop comes Axx and he checks.  Normally, I would check this back, but I had a read he would stack off light, so I bet small, planning to get the rest in on the turn.  He obliges by calling and then calling on the turn when the board paired the bottom card.  He's got AJ :).  He rivers a jack :(.

I'm making a concerted effort to judge the success of a session solely on how well I played, especially postflop, and especially paying attention to opponents and getting off auto pilot.  These couple hands were a good test because although they were nothing really special, my reads were on, and on the second one I played it a different way than usual.  Although the money was probably going in on the second hand regardless, still I used some reads and changed things up without sacrificing anything.  Plus, I lost both hands, and I still was OK with it.  From that view, the session was a success.

Life update:  going to a funeral a bit later today.  One of the guys I play golf with is an amazing guy.  He's in his 80's and still out there hacking around with us, and pretty much seems to enjoy every single day.  His wife recently passed (her funeral), but it was probably a blessing.  Her health had been just terrible for years, and for the last year or so was pretty much bedridden.  He had a ton to do taking care of her, but he still managed to enjoy life as well.  I never really knew her, but for his sake, I'm going to go to the funeral.

In happier news, our little league baseball team just graduated from coaches pitching to the kids.  What happens now is that the kids actually pitch 5 balls, and if the batter can't hit, then the coaches get to pitch 2.  My son pitched in the first game, and it was awesome...he was the total crowd pleaser.  Not because he pitched the most strikes (he didn't), but for his pre-pitch routine.  Definitely the best out there.  Plus, it's awesome to see him throwing so well.  I remember last year about this time, he could not make the throw from the mound to first base.  Now, pitching, when he misses, he's sailing the ball over everyone's heads and back to the fence.  At least he's throwing straight....just about every pitch went over the plate...just some of them were like 10 feet over the plate ;).  Next up for him is batting...gotta get him to pull the ball more...he's going right back up the middle, but with not enough power to make it by the pitcher.  So, until he strengthens up a bit, he's got to hit to the left side of the field.  He's a fast way they throw him out from 3rd.

Haven't played golf for a while, but it's my turn to get a tee time for my group on Sunday morning, so I'll be playing then, I think.  Got a birthday party on Sunday, but it's not until I think I'll have some time.


losbert said...

Your comment here about judging a session as to how well you played and your reads etc is an important one here and something we should all take on board if we want to take our games to the next level. How well we do from a monetary point of view should be irrelevant but if we play out best on a consistent basis then the benefits will surely come.

Good luck for May

mongoose said...

make good decisions, results will follow. pisser that they don't go nicely at 100NL, but given time it all comes out in the wash.

fun to hear about the little league exploits.