Tuesday, March 02, 2010


On my annual ski/board trip with my dad...we've been doing this for a long time.  He moved across the country several years ago, and we don't see each other too much, so I've been enjoying them even more.  I don't get up to the snow much besides this trip, either.  Wife doesn't care for riding, kids are so far not clamoring for it.  Given the expense and not wanting to hear them whine about how cold it is or how far they have to carry their crap from the parking lot, I'm not pushing it. 

Today, it's a mix of snow and rain in town, probably wet snow up on the hill, but the cams are showing pretty white-out conditions, so we bagged it.  My dad really does not like to ski in low visibility...he's legally blind in one eye, so when the shadows disappear, he's got extremely little depth perception.  So, we're chilling in the motel a bit.  And I'm OK with it, even though I was hoping to get in 5 days of riding.  First time back on the snowboard in 5 or 6 years, too (went back to skiing for a bit).

The interwebz keep going down here, so I'm not sure if I'll attempt any hands this week.  Not that I've been playing much anyway.  What little I have played has been OK.  I was playing Rush poker for a bit, but I got kind of bored with it.  Too bad, as it would have suited my schedule a lot easier.  I ran/played in it fine (or, compared to recent results, spectacular, actually).  But, it started to feel really formulaic.

Other than that, life is good.  Coaching up the ying-yang, as basketball and baseball overlap.  Basketball ends next week, though.  My New Year's resolutions of eat better/work out more have been going pretty well.  Been sacrificing poker study time for gym time during the work day.  I believe in February, Mon - Fri (gym is at work), I only missed one or two days.  Plus, my workouts have gotten longer and harder. 

Obv will stunt my growth poker-wise, but I have got, got, got to get back in shape...not only for myself, but as a role model for my kids.  My wife and I are toughening up their diets and putting limits on their TV and computer/Wii time.  However, I'd like them to not see an overweight dad who's shoving (a lot) of garbage into his piehole while telling them they can't.  And, I've remembered that my ability to pay attention and overall outlook on not just poker, but all activities is better when I feel like I'm on the right path fitness-wise.

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