Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Standard spot

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players
The Official Hand History Converter

SB: $189.55
BB: $135.40
Hero (UTG): $116.90
CO: $240.45
BTN: $113.75

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is UTG with Ah Js
Hero raises to $3.50, CO calls $3.50, 3 folds

Flop: ($8.50) 5d 3c As (2 players)
Hero bets $5, CO raises to $15, Hero asks readers what to do

This seems like it should be a totally standard spot, but I'm debating the plan for the rest of the hand.  Obviously, he could have a set, and he should raise at some point to make sure he can get stacks in.  But sets are hard to make.  Not too many 2-pair possibilities given it's HJ vs CO (i.e., can't count on him cold calling with crappy aces, but occasionally he will).  Most of the time, better aces reraise me preflop in this spot.  So, it's probably more likely that he's either outright bluffing or value-raising worse.

Given that, I think a call here is good.  But is it a call, only to fold out of position when he follows up on the turn, or does he barrel his air/continue value betting worse enough to continue if he bets the turn.

If we check the turn and he checks, what do we do on the river (assume turn and river brick off)?  Try to bet for small value?  Would I get value out of hands that check behind the turn in this case?  Give him a chance to bluff again, since I've now shown a lot of weakness?


Unknown said...

I have been thinking a lot about this hand, because it is really a very gross spot, especially since there is no flush draw on the board. It could be air for sure here, because we should cbet this flop with 100% of our range. Many times a decision like this to me is very villain dependent. I think that if villain is going to fire the turn often, then we should just fold our hand right here, since we can't stand the heat. If villain is likely to just check the turn back and give the bluff up if it is indeed a bluff, I would be more likely to call the raise here. On this board texture, I really do not like a raise, it seems it is either a call or a fold, and I make my decision based on opponents' tendencies. However, more often than not, I am folding.

It is worth noting that if we feel so pukey in this spot with AJ, then it is a sick, sick spot to throw in a bluffraise when we are the cold caller in these spots. I think it can be very profitable. I mean, we have near the top of our range and we are not very happy here, so the bulk of someone's range turbo mucks.

I could be wrong in my thought process here, but SOMEONE had to comment. hehehe

Golfing weather is approaching in the southeast, man I have the itch to go play. Hope you have had some time to get some play over the last few months in Cali.

Anonymous said...

"I could be wrong in my thought process here, but SOMEONE had to comment."

exactly. that's why i popped back in after mulling it over.

i got stuck on the concept of "oop is a bitch", but couldn't get the hand to a satisfactory conclusion.

it's air a LOT in my games. and if you don't lead the turn, i think they're just as likely to pop it again on the turn because you don't like your hand enough and might muck it.

so it's ugly. and i think that's it really. if you lead the turn, you'll find out if he has AQ/AK, and you'll fold out the JJ hands, so one street of value from them.

if you're dominated, you give villan two streets - or buckle down and try to survive the bluffs without wavering.

it's all a bit icky. did i mention OOP is a bitch?