Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Food is better when it's free?

We've got some customers in the office working on a project with us.  I'm not directly involved, but did get to grab some of their leftover pizza at the end of lunch.  It was pretty standard and only lukewarm having sat out for an hour or so, but it was free, and that made it taste better.

It's a little cold here, but there's no snow on the ground or anything like that, so if it doesn't rain, I still get to play tennis once a week or so.  It was pretty cool looking under the lights last night...all four of us had a ton of steam coming off us.  The bad part about playing in the cold is that you don't move quite as fast as you're used my timing was pretty screwed up.

Today's "big" losing hand isn't all that big, but I only played a short session and it was the biggest loser.  Pretty sure it was fine, though.  MP seems pretty straightforward...19/17/3, somewhat low fold to 3-bet over a good sample.  Blinds were both pretty loose/passive.

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official Hand History Converter

BB: $131.75
UTG: $68.05
MP: $100.00
Hero (CO): $121.95
BTN: $136.60
SB: $130.65

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is CO with Ks Qs
1 fold, MP raises to $4, Hero calls $4, BTN calls $4, 1 fold, BB calls $3

Flop: ($16.50) Qh 7s 9h (4 players)
BB checks, MP bets $11, Hero raises to $34, BTN folds, BB folds, MP raises to $96 all in, Hero folds

Final Pot: $84.50
MP wins $81.50
(Rake: $3.00)

I used to not really cold call too much with anything other than pocket pairs, but this one should be fine.  I can continue on a lot of flops, plus I'd love the blinds to come along with us.  More interesting question is what to do preflop if our hand is unsuited.  In that case, I might 3-bet and try more to take down dead money since I'm significantly less excited about a multiway pot, even with the same bad players.


peten2toms said...

NEVER raise fold this!!!! If he calls too much in 3bet pots I may just 3bet this for value but taking a flop is fine. Either call flop evaluate turn or raise call it off. This board is way to wet to raise and fold when he can shove so many draws.

Unknown said...

meh, I think it depends on your thoughts on villain. Although I agree raise folding is kinda crappy, I wouldn't call it off here. You raised with two fish still to act before the original raiser, this has to look absurdly strong. At worst he has a megadraw here imo and probably has a set or two pair in order to shove here. So honestly, I would fold this after he shoves as you did if I did raise. But as peten2toms said, I much prefer flatting the flop, because raising and folding seems kinda bad.

As for preflop, I think calling is better here because of ths fish and it being suited as you said. 3betting for sure with KQo, because it has a significant effect with card removal, being that his range here is tighter than say, his button opening range. The narrower a person's range, the better card removal works.

Bazclef said...

What peten2toms said. When he shoves i'd imagine it's a call, you need 30% equity against his range.