Monday, July 20, 2009

Falling behind again

Several months ago, a bunch of stuff required my attention at the same time, both in and out of work.  I finally broke down and started using a to-do list again, and even started listening to the Getting Things Done audiobook (finishing it is still on my to-do list, lol).  One of the premises behind organizing your tasks effectively, beyond completing them in the best order for you, is that you can actually stop thinking about them.  I was a bit skeptical, but I did notice that I didn't dwell on them as much when I finally got them into an organized system that I was checking daily.  And I did get myself into better shape in terms of things looming over me.

I would say I'm still in great shape for a bunch of stuff, but on the poker front, I really have gotten lazy about using my time effectively.  I'm not sure how related it is, but I'm also not thinking about the game very well at the moment.  Away from the tables, I'm spending too much time refreshing the software forum in 2p2 to see what's up with developments dealing with the new FT client.  And, I'm over-tweaking all the graphics stuff myself.  It's bad for a couple main reasons:

  1. I'm doing a crap job focusing on strategy.  I have not completed watching a video this month.  I have not read any strategy posts or made any progress in Small Stakes NLHE in the entire month.  Hell, I recorded my last lesson, which was on 7/10, and it took me over a week to get it converted so I could re-watch it, and I'm still not done with it.  (Brian, I still intend to review your latest video and see if I agree with the comments being posted, but I must get through my own recording first!)
  2. I'm playing sessions without being as mentally prepared as I'd like.  When I'm spending my time in good poker discussions or doing quality poker learning away from the table, I feel like I come to the table with a lot more focus.  That's missing.  At least, it seems to me that I'm playing like an absolute douche.  On said lesson, in the first 40 minutes, I asked some questions and took a line that I'd be embarrassed to have a newb hear/see.  In fact, I had to stop the video just now, which is why I'm writing this.  A couple times in recent sessions, I've found myself taking actions without knowing why, and not in spots where it should happen.

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