Friday, April 04, 2008

LOL Full Tilt Doomswitchaments

Half a buy-in was from bad play that I know about (one retarded bluff and two retarded calls). Two buy-ins were from AK into KK and AA OOP to some aggressive-but-somewhat nitty players...I think those are OK. The and coolers, especially right towards the end..but you can see it was a somewhat steady decline with no real redeeming qualities other than the fact that while I was admittedly frustrated, I didn't go on apeshit tilt, and actually forced myself to talk out decisions so I wouldn't be angrily clicking (the wrong) buttons.

After the first big dip, that table broke, and I actually didn't find another table that I liked, so I kind of bounced between 2 and 3 tables...which I think is essential if you're even close to maybe tilting, if you don't just quit altogether. Having the time and making yourself mentally (or actually) talk through decisions I think kind of slows things down and ensures you don't do the worst of the possible damage to yourself.

It was really bad how the boards broke for me a lot of the time...beyond a couple 2 outers, they looked really scary when I ended up having strong hands, so even when I had the best hands, it was hard to extract. The sets I had that didn't lose to higher sets or better, I won a grand total of one continuation bet postflop.

Other than one hand, in my biggest hands, my opponents didn't really play poorly...they did get lucky (or I failed to when I was drawing). The days where you flop a lot of good draws and whiff while your made hands get frequently outdrawn are tough. I don't know actually how often I got outdrawn because I didn't make a lot of frustration calls when they told me the obvious draws got there...I think that's one silver lining I can take from the session.

This was my single worst session, and it also knocked me squarely back down to the 100NL game for a bit...I was pretty close to my take-a-shot-at-200NL level before the session, and for me to grind 8 buy-ins back, plus the few more that I need to take my shot, will take a bit on the calendar, since I just don't play enough.

I'd like to say I'm unaffected and it's just another session, but I'm a bit dispirited to tell the truth. Feels better to write it out, though...write it out to ride it out...I like it! Good luck to you guys...this was probably my only shot at logging some hands this weekend...busy busy busy. Hopefully things get back to "normal" next week.


grinder said...

i know for sure its tough dealing with this stuff

i dont think its necessarily the money but the losing that affects me

im constantly reviewing the situations and trying to see if i lost because of bad plays

especially on big swings

glad you see it as just another session though....thats cool !!

Bazclef said...

Wouldn't let this bother you, it's standard variance over <1k hands. It'll even out. :)

losbert said...

I agree its variance although not nice to go through.

Hopefully you'll have a day when your graph is as good on the positive side in the not too distant future.

Good luck next time you play