Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy New Year :)

Little late on this, obviously.  Had a slow couple weeks over the holidays, but came back to work facing a sh*tstorm of short term deadlines. Not sure how much you know (and anyway you care less) about software development, but there are some very different phases you go through in the life of building particular features.  The beginning part is all about figuring out what it's supposed to do and how it should look.  Then you get into a bunch of other crap.  Well, I'm at the beginning of a couple big projects, and being the lead, not only do I have to come up with and then communicate my own thoughts, but I also have to bring in a bunch of other people.  And a bunch of other leads are doing the same thing with their projects, so sometimes it's a real PITA to get everyone's feedback early.  But I've learned the hard way that if you don't get it early, you're going to get it later, and cause yourself a bunch more headaches.

So, I'm in the midst of some crazy meeting-after-meeting-after-meeting crap.  Actually, it's my favorite part of the whole software development process, so it's pretty interesting.  But it never seems to go smooth enough.  Not only that, but I got asked to head up a task force to make sure that a lot of different teams are doing things the right way in terms of all this early definition.  So, not only am I doing my own stuff, I'm guiding other teams in theirs.  It's a good thing being recognized/asked to lead all this, but it does make for more work.

Oh, yeah, kids' basketball seasons kicked off last Saturday.  Coaching both of their teams, so write off a lot of evenings.  Well, not write off, because again I enjoy it, and my kids both still think it's cool I'm their coach.  But between work and basketball, not much time for anything else.

That said, in the spirit of taking stock of oneself at the beginning of the year, I'm making some resolutions both directly and indirectly related to poker.  Indirectly:
  • Get more sleep.  Yeah, this will even further reduce my hand's already next to nothing.  But, I'd been waking up too tired, and I think it was affecting my whole life, not just poker.  Especially struggling with some run-bad, I need as much help as I can get on the mental/emotional front.
  • Get myself in shape.  Over the last couple years especially, I've completely failed with good food discipline.  Too many sweets and too much of everything in general.  Exercise has been better than that, but not consistent enough, and probably not intense enough.  I'm making a concerted effort to improve both areas.  Again, I think those things will help with a more stable and better attitude at the tables.
Honestly, because they affect so much more than just poker, those are the things I'm really trying to get right.  However, as far as poker habits go, I plan to add the following:
  • More training video review.  I really slacked off here the last couple months.  From Oct - Dec, I think I watched 2 or 3 vids intensely (notes, pause before action/explanation, etc.), and another couple casually.  I don't think I'm at the point where I need to go overboard, but if nothing else, it's a different way to focus your thinking.
I will still review most sessions (unrealistic to say I'll do all, even though I'd like to do that), and dig out some trouble hands for review.  I still plan to continue periodic coaching lessons, even though I'm pretty light on hand volume.  And really excited about recently connecting with Ian and reconnecting with Mark for some regular review.  Both have been awesome about accommodating my wacky schedule, so thanks very much to both of you for that.


dadashek said...

Hey Marc,
Read a post you made a while back about work/poker/life balance. Would be interested in learning more about how your relationship has evolved with your wife. My favorite comment you made was something abuot hoping that as the money from poker became more meaningful - that she would begin to see it as more meaningful too. Did you ever get there? I am sure it is still a balance. Daniel

Marc said...

Decided to answer in the next post :). Thanks for asking!