Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Back in business

I had to get a new hard drive, which was a mixed blessing.  It was a royal pain in the ass to get everything set up again, even with access to my old files.  There are so many different settings to get in again, and that was even being clever in a lot of cases...I found where a lot of different configuration files were stored.  The good part is that I had accumulated a ton of junk on my hard drive, and try as I might to clean it out, nothing beats starting from scratch.  My computer seems a lot more responsive.  I now have a 120GB drive.  Although that is smaller than most drives that come with new computers, it should give me a decent amount of space to play with...bring on the datamines and the video downloads :).

I spent Friday and the weekend, when I had time, re-installing everything.  I haven't checked Google Reader in a few days, but I just looked and have 1000+ unread posts.  Surely I'll never read most of those, but for you guys whose blogs I keep up with, I will catch up soon.  Not today because I also have a couple work deadlines...but certainly by the end of the week.

Home life has been a bummer...my wife injured her back and has been pretty much out of commission.  Of all the stuff to go wrong with your back, hers was the least bad...some sort of muscle pull/spasm/strain that the killer muscle relaxers the doctor prescribed are helping with.   No herniated discs or other nightmare back issues...this is bad enough!  I'm getting a chance to pile up massive husband points, as well, but no time for much else.

I listened to Leatherass on the 2p2 podcast last week and heard the coolest golf bet in quite a while.  Evidently, when he was a hotshot junior golfer, he bet his club pro he could beat the pro using only one club.  Using a 4-iron, he shot 76 or something like that and beat the pro.  I'm sure that he was a better than scratch golfer at the time to be able to do that, but even so it's pretty amazing, IMO.  Let's say that he was a +2 (extremely good golfer at any level, but got to believe that's among the best in the country for 15 year olds).  That equates to about shooting 70.  So, he goes up 6 strokes only using one club.  I'm a pretty good golfer -- not awesome, but a single digit handicapper -- and if I could only use one club the whole round, I'd be shocked to shoot within 18 shots of my handicap.  I might try it for 9 holes with a 7-iron one day, just to see.


Unknown said...

You won't go up by 18, not even close, you'd be very surprised. I got really pissed off about 7 or so years ago and played the back 9 with only my gap wedge, as it was the only thing I was hitting worth shit and managed a bogey golf round. You'd be surprised. But 76? No way for me!

Marc said...

I guess...I'm sure I'll try it with my son at some point.

Keep in mind I don't hit it a ton...so if I use a wedge, I can only hit a couple holes in regulation. If I go long enough to hit just about all the holes in regulation (a 4-iron like he did), I'd be worried about my short game on the holes I miss. If I split the difference, like with a 7-iron, I'll hit just about all holes one more than regulation, but then I need to 2-putt with an iron for a bogey, which I don't think I would do all the time.

So I just see my round going from a mix of pars and bogeys to a mix of bogeys and doubles/others.

Mr Fickle said...

So he had to put with the 4 iron too?
I suck at golf and playing with a 7 iron tee to green would be close to break even for me.
If I had to put with 7 iron as well i would be in the double hundreds!